Arduino Motor Shield Rev 3

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€ 28,89 € 23,88
4 in voorraad
De Arduino Motor Shield is gebaseerd op de L298, een dual full bridge driver, ontworpen om inductieve belastingen te sturen zoals relais, solenoides, DC en stappen motoren. Het laat toe om 2 DC motoren aan te drijven aan hand van je Arduino bord, de snelheid en richting te bepalen van elke motor afzonderlijk.
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Referentie A000079
EAN code 02018503975990
Data sheet D_motorshield.pdf
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Technische specificaties

You can also measure the motor current absorption of each motor, among other features. The shield is TinkerKit compatible, which means you can quickly create projects by plugging TinkerKit modules to the board.

You can find in the Getting Started section all the information you need to configure your board, use the Arduino Software (IDE), and start tinker with coding and electronics. Full details and examples on how to use the WiFi interface are available in the WiFi101 Library reference page.

Operating Voltage 5V to 12V
Motor controller L298P, Drives 2 DC motors or 1 stepper motor
Max current 2A per channel or 4A max (with external power supply)
Current sensing 1.65V/A
Free running stop and brake function

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