Adafruit 0.56" 4-digit 7-segm. Display w/I2C Backpack - Green

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€ 12,04 € 9,95
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consists off green 7-segment clock display (813) and 7- segment matrix backpack (877)
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Referentie ADA880
EAN code 02075620349578
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The matrices use a driver chip that does all the heavy lifting for you: They have a built in clock so they multiplex the display. They use constant-current drivers for ultra-bright, consistent color (the images above are photographed at the dimmest setting to avoid overloading our camera!), 1/16 step display dimming, all via a simple I2C interface. The backpacks come with address-selection jumpers so you can connect up to four mini 8x8's or eight 7-segments (or a combination, such as four mini 8x8's and four 7-segments, etc) on a single I2C bus.

The product kit comes with:

  • A fully tested and assembled LED backpack
  • Ultra-bright 4-digit 0.56" tall green seven-segment display
  • 4-pin header

A bit of soldering is required to attach the matrix onto the backpack but its very easy to do and only takes about 5 minutes.

There's also a detailed tutorial showing you how to solder, wire and control the display. We even wrote a very nice library for the backpacks so you can get running in under half an hour, displaying images on the matrix or numbers on the 7-segment

This board/chip uses I2C 7-bit address between 0x70-0x77, selectable with jumpers

  • Backpack Dimensions: 27mm x 50mm x 4mm / 1.1" x 2" x 0.16"
  • Backpack Weight: 5.3g
  • 7-Segment Display Dimensions: 19mm x 50mm x 14mm / 0.75" x 2" x 0.56"
  • 7-Segment Display Weight: 8.4g

Datasheets, schematic, EagleCAD PCB files, and Fritzing available in the product tutorial

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** De weergegeven foto bij de producten kan verschillen van het eigenlijke product.