Gravity: Geiger Counter Module - Ionizing Radiation Detector

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€ 75,00 € 61,98
1 in voorraad
Deze detector kan 'ionizing radiation' meten, zoals nucleaire straling, X-rays, Cosmic Rays etc. Deze is niet geschikt voor het meten van elektromagnetische straling zoals microgolf straling of Mobile phone radiation. Opgelet: niet voor gebruik op plaatsen met verhoogde dosis die een gevaar vormen voor de persoonlijke veiligheid.
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Referentie SEN0463
Zolang de voorraad strekt Nee
Technische specificaties

The Geiger counter can only detect ionizing radiation, such as nuclear radiation, X-rays, cosmic rays, etc. Electromagnetic radiation such as microwave oven radiation, mobile phone radiation, WiFi radiation, induction cooker radiation can not be detected.

In addition, the Geiger counter is a good random number generator, and undetermined high-energy particle ionization events can provide enough random entropy to get you a truly random number, rather than a fixed random sequence based on a random algorithm.


This product is not a professional measuring instrument and is only suitable for principle research and teaching demonstration. Not for use in radiation dose measurement that directly affects personal safety.


  • Large-scale and highly sensitive Geiger tube
  • Easy to install layout


  • Ionizing Radiation Detect


Geiger Counter

  • Power Supply: 3.3V ~ 5V
  • Signal Output: digital output, pull down when pulse detected
  • Driving Voltage: ≈400V
  • Maximum Range: 1200 μSv/h(theoretically)
  • Outline Size: 107 x 42mm/4.21 x 1.65”

M4011 Geiger Tube

  • Operating Voltage: 380V ~ 450V
  • Background Counts: ≈25CPM
  • CPM Ratio: 153.8 CPM/(μSv/h)
  • Outline Size: Φ10mm x 88mm

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** De weergegeven foto bij de producten kan verschillen van het eigenlijke product.