Arduino Nano Every zonder headers

Swipen voor 4 additionele foto's
€ 14,96 € 12,36
7 in voorraad
Dit kleine, robuuste en krachtige bordje heeft dezelfde footprint als de klassieke NANO en is de perfecte keuze voor alledaagse projecten.
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Referentie ABX00028
EAN code 7630049201477
Promotie geldig tot 2 dec. 2019
Zolang de voorraad strekt Nee
Technische specificaties

This small, robust and powerful board has the same classic Nano footprint loved worldwide.

It can be programmed with the easy to use Arduino IDE available offline and online. Get started in minutes with thousands of sketches available in open-source or write your own: it is the perfect choice for your everyday projects.

Based on the ATMega4809 AVR processor, the Arduino Nano Every is flexible to the requirements of your design. It can be used in a breadboard when mounting pin headers, or as a SMT directly soldered on a PCB thanks to its castellated pads. An SAMD11 ARM Cortex M0+ processor acts as a high performance USB to serial converter that can be re-programmed by skilled users to expand further the applications of this board.

Getting Started

In the Getting Started section, you can find all the information you need to configure your board, use the Arduino Software (IDE), and start to tinker with coding and electronics.

  • This board is based on the ATMega4809 microcontroller.

    Clock 20MHz
    Flash 48KB
    SRAM 6KB
    EEPROM  256byte

    ATSAMD11D14A Processor takes care of the USB to SERIAL communication and it is connected to the following pins of the ATMega4809 microcontroller.

    ATMega4809 Pin ATMega4809 Acronym SAMD11 Pin SAMD11 Acronym Description
    9 PB05 15 PA22 SAMD11 TX -> ATMega4809 RX
    8 PB04 16 PA23 ATMega4809 TX -> SAMD11 RX
    41 UPDI







    The board has a two 15 pins connectors - one on each side -,  pin to pin compatible with the original Arduino Nano. 

    Pin Funcion Type Description
    1 D13 Digital SPI SCK, GPIO
    2 +3V3 Power Out Internally generated power output to external devices
    3 AREF Analog Analog Reference; can be used as GPIO
    4 A0 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
    5 A1 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
    6 A2 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
    7 A3 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
    8 A4/SDA Analog ADC in; I2C SDA; Can be used as GPIO
    9 A5/SCL Analog ADC in; I2C SCL; Can be used as GPIO
    10 A6 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
    11 A7 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
    12 +5V Power Out Internally generated power output to external devices
    13 RST Digital In Active low reset input (duplicate of pin 18)
    14 GND Power Power Ground
    15 VIN Power In Vin Power input
    16 TX Digital USART TX; can be used as GPIO
    17 RX Digital USART RX; can be used as GPIO
    18 RST Digital Active low reset input (duplicate of pin 13)
    19 GND Power Power Ground
    20 D2 Digital GPIO
    21 D3/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
    22 D4 Digital GPIO
    23 D5/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
    24 D6/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
    25 D7 Digital GPIO
    26 D8 Digital GPIO
    27 D9/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
    28 D10/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
    29 D11/MOSI Digital SPI MOSI; can be used as GPIO
    30 D12/MISO Digital SPI MISO; can be used as GPIO

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