2 connections for 5V 'hobby' servos connected to the Arduino's high-resolution dedicated timer - no jitter!
4 H-Bridges: TB6612 chipset provides 1.2A per bridge (3A for brief 20ms peaks) with thermal shutdown protection, internal kickback protection diodes. Can run motors on 4.5VDC to 13.5VDC.
Up to 4 bi-directional DC motors with individual 8-bit speed selection (so, about 0.5% resolution)
Up to 2 stepper motors (unipolar or bipolar) with single coil, double coil, interleaved or micro-stepping.
Motors automatically disabled on power-up
Big terminal block connectors to easily hook up wires (18-26AWG) and power
Arduino reset button brought up top
Polarity protected 2-pin terminal block and jumper to connect external power, for separate logic/motor supplies
Tested compatible with Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila & Duemilanove. Works with Mega/ADK R2 and earlier with 2 wire jumpers.
Download the easy-to-use Arduino software library, check out the examples and you're ready to go!
Comes with an assembled & tested shield, terminal block, plain header, jumper. Some soldering is required to assemble the headers on. Stacking headers not included, but we sell them in the shop so if you want to stack shields, please pick them up at the same time. Arduino and motors are not included but we have lots of motors in the shop and all our hobby servos, DC motors, and stepper motors work great.
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** De weergegeven foto bij de producten kan verschillen van het eigenlijke product.